
在当今快节奏的世界, offering flexible online learning opportunities allows us to bring our person-centered psychology program to all students, 无论位置如何.

Our comprehensive online psychology program prepares you for a wide variety of career paths, offering you multiple opportunities to learn and practice your skills throughout the academic program.

Agile Ambrose

  • 适应性:我们拥抱创新和新鲜的课程方法.
  • Accessible: We engage students, offering one-on-one, approachable, flexible support.
  • Affordable: We offer the power and life-long benefits of an Ambrose education to all learners.
  • 积极:我们致力于培养见多识广的未来领导人, well-rounded, 并准备好为他们的工作场所和正规买球平台有哪些做出贡献.
  • Anchored: We provide a specialized education that prepares principle-centered leaders and ethical decision-makers.



随着课程的进展, we believe that you benefit from increasingly advanced expectations, as well as underlying processes that lead to critical thinking in science. 你会被要求阅读, watch, review, discuss, and critically apply coursework to real-world research and practice experiences, 包括书籍分析, articles, case studies, 自然观察, 服务学习, and finally, Capstone项目.



12个或更多学时= $140($280/年)
11个或更少学时= 70美元(140美元/年)
入学= $100


Grants are money that you don't repay, and they can come from government or private sources. SAU receives all financial aid funds directly - including loans and grants - then applies them to your account: once in the fall term and once in the spring term. 助学金可以用来支付你的学费、书本费和住宿费. 你必须每学年申请助学金. If you have any loan funds in excess of your costs, you may receive a refund. If you are a first-time borrower, there is a 30-day hold on your first disbursement. 对于所有这些补助金,您必须完成免费申请 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 尽快.

才有资格 爱荷华州学费补助金, you must be a resident of Iowa as defined by the State Board of Regents and currently enrolled or planning to enroll in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible Iowa college or university (SAU is eligible). Iowa College Aid administers need-based college financial aid for Iowans, 比如爱荷华学费补助. FAFSA的截止日期是7月1日.
Award: $7,500

Awarded to students of the highest need based on how much your family can contribute to your education. The U.S. Department of Education sets a Expected Family Contribution (EFC) threshold. 然后,当你提交你的 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA), it computes where you land within that threshold and determines if you qualify for the grant and for how much.

要获得资格,你必须 file a FAFSA by the priority deadline of March 15 and you must qualify for a Pell Grant. 此补助金以先到者为准, first-served basis to students who have submitted all required documents for review and in time for the review to be complete. 如果你有资格获得佩尔助学金或SEOG, 这些奖项将出现在你的经济援助奖励信上.


The SAU Financial Aid Office determines which types of federal loans you are eligible for, 这些贷款将列在你的官方奖状上.

这些都是联邦担保贷款. 直接贷款有两种类型:有补贴和无补贴. Learn more about these loan types on the federal Student Aid website.

  • A subsidized loan is based on financial need; the government waives the interest accrual while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Repayment on a subsidized loan does not start until 6 months after the student drops below half-time enrollment, graduates, or withdraws.

  • An unsubsidized loan is not based on financial need, and there is no interest payment deferment.

This loan is for parents who want to finance their student's remaining balance and expenses. This is a credit-based loan with a fixed interest rate (see the table below). Parents are responsible for the full payment or interest-only payments while their student is enrolled. The loan cannot exceed the cost of attendance that remains once all other institutional and federal aid has been applied.

Loan Type Borrower 每年7月1日开始
直接补贴 Undergraduate fixed 3.73%
直接补贴的 研究生和本科生 fixed 3.73% (undergraduate); fixed 5.28%(研究生)
Direct PLUS 毕业生或家长 fixed 6.28% 

有关利率的资料,请浏览 联邦直接贷款网站.


If you are enrolled full-time and are completely finished with other degree requirements (i.e. only needs psychology coursework), then you can finish in four semesters. Additional time may be required if you need additional coursework to fulfill elective credits or general education credits. 总学分数St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 requires to graduate with an undergraduate degree is 120.


大多数在线心理学课程是8周,但有一门是16周. PSYC 105 (Introduction to Psychology) is a prerequisite for all other courses.


心理学课程有34个学分. 它们是轮流提供的,如下:
大多数在线心理学课程是8周,但有一门是16周. PSYC 105 (Introduction to Psychology) is a prerequisite for all other courses.


Course Name 什么时候提供??
PSYC 105 Core 心理学概论 夏天,秋天和春天
STAT 213 Core 应用科学统计学 Summer
PSYC 215* Core 研究方法 偶数年
PSYC 255 Core 大脑与行为 春奇数年
PSYC 212 Category One 寿命发展心理学 春奇数年
PSYC 314 类别三 人类动机 秋天奇数年
PSYC 324 Category Two 变态心理学 秋天奇数年
PSYC 350 四级 健康心理学 春双年
PSYC 332 Elective 测试和测量 春双年
PSYC 323 Elective 人格理论 春双年
PSYC 425 Capstone 专业发展与整合 秋天和春天

简短的回答是——很多! 大多数大学心理学专业的学生毕业后会做两件事中的一件:

  • Use an undergraduate psychology major as a "stepping stone" to a graduate degree in psychology, 临床心理健康咨询项目, or a health science program such as Occupational Therapy; or
  • 从事社会服务、教育、人力资源、政府等工作., with children, adolescents, families, 残疾人或慢性病患者, 预防项目, 公众意识或教育计划, etc.
What kind of students are successful in an online program such as this?

这里有一些需要考虑的事情. Ask yourself if the following statements which are shown to support success, describe you.

  • 我有一台能用的电脑,可以随时上网.
  • 我是一个自我激励的人,也是一个很好的时间管理者.  我经常早早地阅读教学大纲和作业说明. 我不需要提醒我该做什么,什么时候做.  我喜欢提前做好准备,把事情做好. 我没有拖延症.  
  • 我认为我的阅读能力高于平均水平.  I don't mind the challenge of reading new material, even if I have to look up what words mean.  I know how to figure out the meaning of what I am reading without help.
  • 我试着自己解决问题, using the information and resources I have available before asking for help.
  • 我在正式写作中表达得很好.  I can follow writing instructions and follow formatting guidelines easily.  我认为自己是个好作家.
  • 我擅长使用技术, including proficiency in finding information on the internet and communicating with others electronically.  我知道如何排除我的电脑的任何问题.
  • I am persistent, even when tasks are hard and content isn't very interesting.  当我开始做一件事时,我会完成它,即使别人没有.
  • 我通过阅读来更好地理解信息.  I prefer reading information myself rather than hearing someone talk about it or trying it to figure it out without instructions.
  • I have no problem focusing on what I need to do, even with minimal interaction with others.  I can turn off distractions and concentrate on my work without much difficulty.

Apply Visit Info


Jeff Karll

518 W. Locust St.
达文波特,IA 52803


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